The metallographic laboratory can take and prepare macrographic specimens to assess any defects in the various types of welding.
It is possible to identify structures and phases consisting of both base material and welding through micrographic examinations (from 100x to 1000x). Corrosion tests can be performed at the laboratory in accordance with various standards (ASTM G28; ASTM G48; ASTM E 262 etc.). Click on the images to expand them
SSM srl
Via degli Artigiani, 86 16162 GENOVA/Bolzaneto (Ge) phone: + 39 010 710259 - 713751 fax: + 39 010 710365 e-mail: ssmlab@ssmlab.it
SSM S.r.l. - Sede legale in Via degli Artigiani 86, Genova - Capitale sociale € 20.000 i.v. - P.IVA 01684710997
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