Cookie policyThe processing of personal data of Users will be in accordance with the law in force, with particular reference to Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 effective from 25 May 2018 as applicable to the use of cookies.What is a cookie?A cookie is a small text file which is recorded in the temporary memory of the browser when a website is entered, for a variable period of time generally lasting between a few hours and some years, with the exception of profiling cookies which last a maximum of 365 calendar days. The file memorises certain information which the site is able to read when it is consulted again and which may be necessary for the proper functioning of the site and to improve usability. Through cookies, for example, it is possible to determine whether a connection has already been made between the computer and site, to highlight novelties or maintain “login” information. Cookie types
Cookie policyThis website only uses technical cookies. This website does not use any type of cookie aimed at profiling the user and any third-party cookies. Where to find information on how to disable or manage cookies in different browsers: For any further clarification concerning “cookies”, reference can be made to the following link: https://www.garanteprivacy.it/temi/cookie |
SSM srl
Via degli Artigiani, 86 16162 GENOVA/Bolzaneto (Ge) phone: + 39 010 710259 - 713751 fax: + 39 010 710365 e-mail: ssmlab@ssmlab.it
SSM S.r.l. - Sede legale in Via degli Artigiani 86, Genova - Capitale sociale € 20.000 i.v. - P.IVA 01684710997
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