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Laboratory testing References Recognitions Offer request


Where we are

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

 Motorway A7 exit GE Bolzaneto

 Ssm - Studio Sperimentale Metalsiderurgico Srl

To reach our laboratory:
Leave the A7 motorway at the GE Bolzaneto exit.
Turn slightly right and go along Via Giuseppe Colano. Continue along Via Ferriere Bruzzo then turn left into Via Angelo Scala.
Turn right into Via Albisola, take the first turning on the left to stay in Via Albisola.
Take the first turning on the right where Via degli Artigiani is.

SSM srl
Via degli Artigiani, 86
16162 GENOVA/Bolzaneto (Ge)
phone: + 39 010 710259 - 713751
fax: + 39 010 710365
e-mail: ssmlab@ssmlab.it

Laboratory testing References Recognitions Offer request

  SSM S.r.l. - Sede legale in Via degli Artigiani 86, Genova - Capitale sociale € 20.000 i.v. - P.IVA 01684710997
Registro imprese di Genova n. 01684710997
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